
Thursday, July 9, 2009

My moment of glory

Staying very close to Lilavathy Hospital in Mumbai has its own advantages. You get to see lot of celebrities who come to visit the VIP patients. Last week Bal Thackeray of Shiv Sena was admitted here. As usual the place was swarming with media vans and cameramen. I was walking through the Lilavathy Hospital gate, which is a thoroughfare to reach the Mount Mary road, and suddenly a group of men, among whom I could recognise Uddav Thackeray came out of the hospital, milling around me. Surrounded by this group making a beeline for the gate where the media men were waiting to get some bites from them, I was pushed right to the middle of it. Being the only woman there certainly put me in a spot. I had no other go than to wait until the group to disperse to get away.

At the end of all this frenzy, I suddenly realised that after all, my face could be splashed all over the news. I was ecstatic. So don't be surprised if you see a the face a woman circled in red in the middle of a throng with a bold caption reading "Who is this mysterious woman?" on India TV-it might just be me!


Unknown said...

good posts both. had we known abt that 'mysterious woman , we would have taken a closer look at the hindi tv 'news' channels that day. maybe u will get a chance on the day bal thackeray is discharged!!

Unknown said...

Or when he kicks the proverbial bucket. I can already picture the headlines - "Who was the mysterious woman seen outside the hospital?" "The mysterious lady assassin"