
Friday, January 22, 2010


In Mumbai, Jan and Feb are months of Carnatic music competitions at various sabhas. In fact, the competition timings at two or three sabhas clash, so that the participants have to rush from one end of the city to another, if they want to display their talent. But having accompanied my daughter to various music competitions in the past 3 years, I notice that these competitions are rigged like the elections at Bihar( and a lot of other states). Most of the winners are students of the same institute irrespective of whether they sing well or not. Then my question is, why do they invite outsiders as participants? They might as well have an in-house competition and give away all the prizes to their own students.

Judging competitions, I think, is by itself an art. Talent doesn't need recognition, it will automatically shine with opportunities. But hard work and sincerity needs appreciation. If only 3 or 4 extremely talented contestants win the competitions at all the places, other children who really try hard and work at their shortcomings are left out and never recognized. I don't think Balamurali Krishna or Nithyashree had to win competitions to showcase their talent. But ordinary people with ordinary talent, but extraordinary sincerity and hard-work need to be appreciated.

Competitions are necessary only to give a platform for the talent. But, such rigged competitions serve no purpose. Each child is special and has its place in the world and I suggest we leave it at that.

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