
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Woman's day out

At 40, with two school going children and a punishing schedule of translations, I hardly get the time to be myself. But last week was a nice one, where I could relive my youthful days.
A bunch of friends who have become closer to me through the kids decided to have a get-together and it turned out to be the most memorable evenings in a long time for me.
We met for tea and snacks and decided to have North Indian fare for snacks. All the dishes turned out to be super good and we had a great time relishing them, chatting, teasing, pulling each other's leg. There was no gossip about mamiyars and nathanars and no crying on shoulders about worries or ordeals. It was plain fun, joking and laughing out loud and playing a couple of rounds of Chinese Whispers. The children were trying to calm us down, but we were on a roll.
I felt that such get-togethers can be great stress busters. And the best part was to be reprimanded by children for our childish behaviour!
I'd like to be a child once in a while like this!

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